As it has been unusually warm for the time of year, we have made the most of the good weather and spent lots of time investigating the outside resources. We went on an Autumn walk looking at the signs of Autumn and collected lots of leaves and sticks for us to use.

We started October by reading ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. The children loved this story, so we continued the topic for two weeks. The children helped to create the three bears cottage, finding resources from within the classroom and giving them to the appropriate bear. During this topic we learned some of the language of size and sorted by size. We also used this story to discuss morals, ‘Was Goldilocks a good Girl?’ This encouraged a lot of discussion about what is right and wrong, we then created our classroom Charter, and decided on our rules for the class.

This month we have also started daily phonics sessions, ‘Fred the Frog’ is teaching the children how to blend sounds together to make words and I am teaching them to recognise some of the sounds.

Finally, we have started tooth brushing within class, the children are very enthusiastic and remind me when its tooth brushing time.