Our topic this half term is ‘Myself’ the children have had the opportunity to explore many resources and experiences to develop their knowledge of themselves and their environment. This has included What makes me special? How am I feeling? How can I stay safe? and How to be a good friend? The children have had opportunities to create representations of themselves using a variety of media, painting, drawing, collage and sticking. The children also spent time drawing around their friends and thinking about body parts, such as eyes, nose and mouth.

We have looked at two stories in depth, ‘Owl Babies’ and ‘Come on Daisy’ both stories are about feelings when separated from their adults. We have used this stimulus to create discussions around how the children are feeling at Nursery.

In maths we have been looking at colours and we went on a colour walk around the school. The children were very excited to explore the wider environment, and we spotted lots of different colours.

The children are really enjoying exploring their new environment. We have been lucky with the weather, so we have spent as much time outside as possible and we have even spent some rainy days enjoying the outside environment.