May got off to a good start with a wonderful tea party to celebrate the Kings Coronation. The children all made crowns and flags and we had a wonderful party, luckily the sun shone for us.

We continued our ‘Animals’ topic into May. First, we read ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ as the children enjoyed this story so much, we spent two weeks on this. We explored the positional language within the story and completed an assault course in PE going over, under and around equipment. We spent lots of time outside going on various ‘Bear Hunts’ and exploring our wider environment. We went on walks on our very large school field and even had a visit to the Forest area.

We then moved on to the story of ‘Hairy Maclary’ which has some great opportunities to start to recognise rhyme. The children became experts at completing the rhyming strings. We also set up a Dog Grooming Salon and a Vets to ensure all our toy pets were well groomed and were healthy.

Our last story in May was ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ the children really enjoyed acting this story out both through role play and small world.

In Maths we have been concentrating on the number 5, we have found the numeral around the room, we were all challenged to find five objects and we are looked at the different ways we can represent the number 5. We also talked about shapes and learnt the difference between 2d shapes and 3d shapes. We investigated which shapes were better for which job. We worked out 2d shapes were better for pictures but 3d shapes were better for construction.

At the end of May we were very lucky to have Joe Wicks visit the school. Some of the Nursery children were able to join in with an exercise session, run by Joe Wicks, on the field. All the Nursery children completed Joe Wicks exercise sessions in the class. We were very lucky that he then came and visited us in our EYFS garden.