The Easter Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) is available for children eligible for benefits-related free school meals.

Eligible children can register to attend one HAF programme over Easter; the sessions will include a variety of activities, such as art, sport and music and a healthy lunch will be provided each day your child attends.

The HAF programmes will take place between Monday 3 to Friday 14 April. There are over 40 programmes taking place across the city for parents to choose from. The dates, times and age suitability will differ by provider.

Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis to children and young people who meet all of the following criteria:

  • live in Leicester City, or live outside of the city but attend a city school
  • are receiving benefits-related free school meals
  • are in the age range for that programme

For more information including a list of programme providers and how to register, please click the links below:

LINK:Information Sheet


Please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
Registration will close on Sunday 12 March 2023.